Saturday, July 12, 2014

another state (of mind)

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I’m behind with my blog (again), but for good reason. I’ve changed time zones with a recent move to the Pacific Northwest. Moving a household across 2500 miles is, to say the least, consuming: mentally, physically, financially, and socially.

We’re still settling in and unpacking. My office has boxes labeled documents, paper, journals and the like that made perfect sense when sorting—a month or so ago—and have proven little effectiveness in determining what documents, which journals. Every day holds a new discovery in revealing pieces of my former life. Things that seemed of importance in an open immediately state no longer seem a priority. Instead, I am focused on finding a butter dish and some stamps, neither of which seem to exist anywhere. Rather, I keep finding items that are most certainly get-to-laters.

Although I’ve been consumed with this life adjustment, I am trying to keep in touch with everyone via social media. I can at least do that and feel a sense of familiarity even as I make yet another wrong turn and end up driving down a ramp to some unknown freeway, adding miles to my day’s errand run. This, too, can pack some surprises. Finding the unexpected cupcake shop or coming upon a scenic view of Mount Rainier isn’t so bad.

I’ve somehow kept up the writing life even in the mess of organizing our lives. During this month of transition, I’ve had a few bits of good news. Some more major bits will come in time, but for now I’m happy to share a new book review in Colorado Review; you’ll find my review of Renée Ashley’s Because I Am the Shore I Want to Be the Sea here. I also had a micro twitter essay published in Creative Nonfiction, Issue 52. And, coming later this year, you’ll find my essay, “The Comfort of Ignorance,” in the fall 2014 issue of Border Crossing, housed at Lake Superior State University.

Mostly, I’m just unpacking: boxes, life, thoughts, and ideas. I’m getting there. One box at a time. 


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